Saturday, April 26, 2008


Despite not knowing any German, the location of the train station, or where the hotel was, I arrived with little trouble.  It have been laughing a little bit about that and am still kinda amazed that I made it here.  The course here is pretty sketchy.  There are these drops that I can only compare to dropping cliffs on skis.  It is really scary looking down these 45 foot death drops and knowing that you have to go down them, especially when you have not ridden off road at all this year with the exception of the NMBS races and Sea Otter.  It isn't that they are particularly hard to ride. You basically just hang on and hope that the bike is under you at the bottom, however they are more frightening than a deranged ex-girlfriend.  Having ridden them all 5 times now they are getting better, but I still am relieved every time I make it down alive.  Here is a sick ride, the car is pretty cool too.  I got lost for an hour and rode around the streets and this cool path.  Race is tomorrow and I am called to the line #182.  Fantastic.

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